Kartrite Adventuring At Home With Hotel Kids Clubs

Adventuring at Home with Hotel Kids Clubs

With schools closed for the remainder of the year, many summer camps following suit and parents needing to continue working from home, we’ve enlisted the help of kids club directors and education coordinators from notable resorts and destinations around the globe to provide fun and imaginative ideas to help keep your children entertained. Whether you have a budding artist, aspiring actor, future scientist or super scout, these activities are sure to inspire creativity and learning, while also giving you a second to breathe.

Speaking of s’mores, The Kartrite Resort & Indoor Waterpark currently holds the record for the world’s largest s’more. The Kartrite recommends an at-home version of the ooey-gooey dessert, with just three ingredients and a few simple steps. “Get the kids and have them help gather six graham crackers, six fun-sized chocolate bars and/or peanut butter cups and six marshmallows,” says Head of Activities TK Kopp. “Preheat the broiler, have the kids help assemble the s’mores (without topping them with graham crackers) on the baking sheet, and place under the broiler for a few seconds until the desired level of toasting. Remove, top with remaining graham cracker and enjoy as a family!”

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Michelle Kelly
The Zimmerman Agency
Phone: 850.668.2222


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